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Dingwall & District Beekeepers Association

Committee News and new dates for the 24/25 Winter Programme

Added on 06 November 2024

Hi Everyone,


We found a lot to say at the committee meeting last night so I am following it up with a newsletter to you all which is not brief!


Firstly we now have a full list of our winter meetings which are a mix of in person and on Zoom. 

  • David Edes ran an excellent candle and wax wrap workshop in October. Many thanks, David!

  • Honey Delights 27th November with Caroline MacKenzie. Caroline will show various flavoured honeys and make wax wraps and creams and I will make a couple of types of  honey butter. Non-members will be very welcome and we will charge £2 per visitor as usual but if you plan to bring several folk, can you let us know so that we cater accordingly? We would also like members to bring along their own honeys to discuss and for others to taste. There were certainly a wide variety of colours and textures on display at the Honey Show so it would be really interesting to see what everyone has. We will also have the honey grading glasses used in the honey show to allow people to see how the  colours are selected. 

  •  "The Sacred Bee" by Gino Jabbar will be held on Zoom 22nd January 7.30pm       

  • "99p or EFB" by Jack Silberrad will be held on Zoom 19th Feb 7.30pm

  • Bees and Trees by Bron and David Wright 19th March in St. Clements' Church Hall in  Dingwall

  • AGM and Quiz 16th April 7.30pm


We are making some purchases for the Association! 


The Association will buy an oxalic acid vapouriser and battery pack for members use. There will be a disclaimer and risk assessment to be signed and members will need their own Apibioxal and PPE (a respirator mask). 


We are also buying a microphone to make speakers more easily heard at both indoor and outdoor meetings and we are buying some new candle moulds.


We would like to buy a couple of new books for the Association. Are there any which you have found particularly good as we would like recommendations, please?


We are keen to support anyone with their beekeeping studies and Angie ran a very successful series of study sessions last year in support of those sitting  the Basic Beekeeping Certificate. If you are interested in sitting this exam next year or just broadening your knowledge of Bee Keeping, please let us know. We are also keen to hear from you with any particular subjects where we could run tutorial sessions on aspects of beekeeping. 


These weird November temperatures have the bees flying and much more active than normal so remember to heft them to see that they have sufficient stores. Surely it is good news for the production of the winter bees! 


I really hope to see lots of you at the meeting on the 20th.


Kind regards,



Barbara Gray

Secretary Dingwall & District Beekeepers Association


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< Scottish Varroa Learning PackageThe next meeting on 19th February will be a Zoom event >